BTS Premium Roofers Kit - The Ultimate Working at Heights Kit c/w 15m Kermantle Rope,Harness,Lanyard & Karabiners
by BTECH Online
The BTECH Premium Roofers Kit was designed to provide a solution for working at heights. Suitable for use in domestic and commercial roofing applications.
The roofer’s kit is conveniently stored in a backpack for ease of storage and transport from site to site.
Complies to AS/NZS 1891.1.2007
BTECH Premium Roofers Kit Features
- The BTECH® Premium Harness is a versatile work positioning and fall arrest harness that is suitable for a wide variety of purposes. It has an excellent mix of balance and comfort when suspended; whilst still allowing freedom of movement.
- Front and rear full arrest attachment points facilitating an easy means of attachment.
- Energy absorber in the event of a fall prevents load exceeding 16kN
- A hard wearing 12mm kermantle rope fitted with a type1 manual rope grab, affording safe movement over the roof area.
- Round sling / Attachment strap to be used as a temporary anchorage connection. Suitable for one operator fall arrest.
- Conveniently packed into a rugged backpack / carry bag to protect against soiling and for ease of transportation.